Sunday, November 18, 2007

Verses of the past week

This week's verses for me were Psalm 27:4 and Psalm 119:18. 119 was particularly striking and apropos for me, given the upcoming talk on Friday at 02. I desperately needed to hear from my Lord and His Word, as do all of us (fortunately!). It is so evident to me when I haven't prayed or submitted my heart to Him before I enter His Word. My mind simply does not comprehend the meaning, only "seeing" words and not the meaning.The necessity of taking my thoughts captive never had so much appropriateness as in those instances. Psalm 27:4. Ok, ok, so I stole this verse from Jerry Bridges and Helen Roseveare at the Desiring God conference, but the Bible doesn't mind, right? :) I love this verse. To dwell in the Lord's house, to bask in His presence, every single day is such a comfort to me. To yearn to just be near Him and that the closeness of God is my good spur me on to seek out and cherish those times away. "To inquire in His temple" makes me think of entering a library, earnestly seeking the answer to a question, or guidance in a sticky situation. Pointed to the right book, the answer is found, but only after hours of study and meditation. Incidentally, my footnote says that "to inquire" also means to "meditate". I hope these thoughts encourage you as they did me! Press on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the portion of your O2 message in which you quoted some wise soul as saying that we should love God so fervently just for His own sake, just for who He is, that we would follow, sacrifice and openly seek ongoing sanctification even if we knew we would not be allowed to enter into Heaven upon death.

That is such an important concept. In as much as our weak minds and flesh allow, through Him who strengthens and enables us, we should feel so overwhelmed with affection toward His being, never-ending mercy and abundant grace that we do what is asked at whatever cost.

That affection, combined with the knowledge and recognition of our humble and wretched state, brings about the beautiful hope of dwelling in His presence, yearning to be with Him and be of use to Him.

Anyway-- Your transcript is very well written. I am proud of you and the kind of man that you are.