Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Yahoo! Word List

Finally, a word list for all us techies and geeks out there.

A brief idea of what you'll encounter:

Note slash. Example: The phones are staffed 24/7.

No space. Not 3-D.

3G, 4G
Types of cell phone networks.

Note hyphen and use of numerals. Example: They figure their candidate has a 50-50 chance.

8x, 16x
Format for values that denote the speed of drives such as CD and DVD drives. Example: The DVD-RW drive boasts write, rewrite, and read speeds of 16x, 8x, and 16x, respectively.

Acceptable abbreviation for September 11, 2001, when space is tight; however, Sept. 11 is the preferred abbreviation.

Acceptable abbreviation for degrees Celsius. (To create the degree symbol, see “Special characters.”) Example: The average summer temperature is 23°C in the valley. (No space between the numeral and °C, no period after °C.)

Acceptable abbreviation for degree(s) Fahrenheit. (To create the degree symbol, see “Special characters.”) Example: The average summer temperature is 75°F in the valley. No space between the numeral and °F, no period after the abbreviation.

Hit the jump for the complete list.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why Does the Universe Look So Old?

Some inspiring thoughts from Tim Challies, here.

What do you think?

Thursday, June 3, 2010