A brief idea of what you'll encounter:
Note slash. Example: The phones are staffed 24/7.
No space. Not 3-D.
3G, 4G
Types of cell phone networks.
Note hyphen and use of numerals. Example: They figure their candidate has a 50-50 chance.
8x, 16x
Format for values that denote the speed of drives such as CD and DVD drives. Example: The DVD-RW drive boasts write, rewrite, and read speeds of 16x, 8x, and 16x, respectively.
Acceptable abbreviation for September 11, 2001, when space is tight; however, Sept. 11 is the preferred abbreviation.
Acceptable abbreviation for degrees Celsius. (To create the degree symbol, see “Special characters.”) Example: The average summer temperature is 23°C in the valley. (No space between the numeral and °C, no period after °C.)
Acceptable abbreviation for degree(s) Fahrenheit. (To create the degree symbol, see “Special characters.”) Example: The average summer temperature is 75°F in the valley. No space between the numeral and °F, no period after the abbreviation.